Car horoscope for the week of July 15-21


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  1. Auto horoscope from 15 to 21 July
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Twins
    • Cancer
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • scales
    • Scorpion
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fishes

We will fill up our cars with expensive gasoline and jerk off the road with fun. And we will kill the pendants again. But this trouble, as Leopold sings, we will survive. Oh, how tired of everything, because chauffeurs need so little to be happy - will we really never ride along flat tracks, where there are no cameras, striped sticks and fast-moving pedestrians. There are two-legged ones, thinking something, hovering in their pedestrian thoughts and how they will get off the ground - maybe they hear voices, and someone there repeats: don't look at the traffic light, don't walk on the zebra crossing, but walk wherever you want. By the way, you don't need to pay attention to strange markings - people celebrate the Day of drawing on the asphalt, and any abstract lines have nothing to do with us.

Auto horoscope from 15 to 21 July


Aries, oh, how bizarrely the road winds, now a straight line, now a mysterious labyrinth, now a turn at right angles - well, what kind of bully laid this track, has he never sat behind the wheel and does not know that the car is solid and cannot wriggle like a snake? Okay, road stars will no longer load you - drive calmly and do not forget to periodically glance in your rearview mirror (and look ahead too carefully). And take care of the iron horse from the birds - pigeons are active today, it seems that they are specially taught to do things for the hoods. And don't be alarmed if this July week Mickey Mouse looks through the car window - he's not real, just celebrating Disneyland's birthday.


Taurus, a lovely cap and uniform, a rod with a rope and a stern look with cunning. Don't slow us down, commander, and don't torture the driver and the car. Ah, our traffic cops are brave, why are you always right in everything ?! Yes, you say to him: you didn’t break it, but he answered - let’s go. You prove to him that you are not a camel, but he has already seen a hump. Well, not all, of course, are like that - mostly patrolmen, kind and understanding guys. And in general, the stars were distracted - this July week is rich in surprises, and the chauffeurs of your sign will be pleased. When you get hungry, buy food from the grandmothers, who are standing by the side of the road at their own peril and risk - old women celebrate the Day of Pies with Raspberry Jam (delicious, the road stars tried it themselves).


Gemini, have you noticed such pedestrians who approach the zebra, bring the phone to their ear and turn away from the road? They don't have an urgent call, the guys are just embarrassed to distract you from the traffic and hint: they say, go, and then we will run across when there are no cars. Eh, they would all be so tactful. Well, okay, we're not talking about two-legged - we'd better talk about your four-wheeled girlfriend. The wheelbarrow in this summer period behaves strangely - it blinks with the headlights for no reason, then the wipers will start working, then it will beep for no reason. Yes, yes - it's time for service. You can also stop by at a cafe on the way - suddenly you will be treated to a cake, because everyone is celebrating International Cake Day.


Crayfish, steer carefully - splits are found on the roads here and there. This is not the end of the world, and a terrible monster does not crawl out of the ground. A common occurrence, repairmen will soon run in, a special transport will come and start. Heaps, pits, fences, sometimes a patrolman with a stick - they say, there is no way, go to another place (and if this other place is not there - your problems). And what was the fault of the drivers in front of ... by the way, in front of whom were we guilty ?! Okay, why shake the air in vain and grumble. Pat the iron horse on the bumper, and roll yourself into the garage. And do not pay attention to the pedestrians who move around with the letter "G" - they just celebrate Chess Day. Well at least they don't run obliquely.

A lion

Lions, the asphalt is new, it is smooth and even, who will tell us and show us where it lies at all ?! Probably, somewhere in a fabulous country, where neat drivers drive, where kind and calm pedestrians walk and where traffic cops are not needed at all - and why should they, if no one breaks the rules. Now wake up and run to the garage - the iron horse has stagnated and wants to ride you with a breeze. Moreover, in this July period there will be many roads. Well, as roads are - rather not roads, but directions. And do not stop near the guys who are standing on the sidelines with towels. They celebrate the Avdotya Senognoyk holiday (and they have sickles in towels - you never know what will come to mind, suddenly they will scribble an autograph on the hood).


Virgo, birds have a built-in natural compass, and they never confuse directions. Why are the navigators in the car designed in a completely different way - as if they deliberately bring us into some jungle that doesn't even exist on the map? Well, we have places where all these modern things do not work - there even a mobile phone does not catch. The stars did not just start this conversation - go to the wilderness these July days. And you will rest from the passengers, and you will walk the iron horse. And bring along ketchup and sausage rolls - everyone celebrates Hot Dog Day. The holiday is American, but many drivers often have a snack with this delicacy. And then they wonder where the crumbs come from.


Libra, here is a traffic cop standing, and what he is worth, nobody knows at all. And he looks angrily, and he grumbles at you. The stars know what he needs. Well, bread, more spectacles, you can also have a cup of coffee for complete happiness - after all, no one ever thought about how the poor patrolmen eat. It is unlikely that they carry soup in a thermos with them - only dry rations. In general, let them figure it out for themselves - the drivers of your sign these July days have more serious problems. The iron horse every now and then makes some suspicious sounds, and they are heard from the side of the trunk - did you accidentally leave a passenger there? Take a ride in front of the far path to the workshop - and you will feel calmer, and the machine will be glad to once again feel your care.


Scorpions, which road is better to drive - a two-lane road or a four-lane highway? Stars generally prefer to ride where there is one-way traffic - everything is quiet, peaceful, calm. Well, some hurry-up will overtake, it's nonsense. But the howling gearbox is already serious. Maybe the bearings are worn out? You can't do it on your own, you will have to call familiar locksmiths. Never mind, you will be horseless for a couple of days (or how many cars are repaired in your area, in some services the process can take a week). But remember what it is like to be passengers. Look out your window, spit sunflower seeds (if the driver permits), sip soft drinks - beauty.


Sagittarius, it's good to rush along the tracks in the morning - the paths are wet (either after rain, or from watering machines), there are few pedestrians. True, you can run into the traffic cops - here are the people, instead of sleeping in patrol beds, they go on duty. And the iron horse feels in its element at any time of the day and on any day of the week. And in this July period, the car is generally well done - it will not get into any traffic jam, it will not enter into conflict with any reckless driver (ugh, ugh). If you see pedestrians walking with their heads held high, don't signal - they represent kings and celebrate the birthday of Alexander the Great. Suddenly they will be frightened by the horn and how they will get the spears - it is better not to check.


Capricorns, like in many regions there is heat, dust in a column, asphalt melts - where do the puddles come from ?! Maybe some special people run around with buckets at night and pour water into each hole (we have no shortage of holes). But puddles are not the main problem these July days - there are more serious things. There they are, drawn - the racers.All right, professionals, at least it's nice to look at, but these are like gasp, how they roar, so let's ride a race right on a busy highway. At such moments you snuggle to the side of the road - a gentle iron horse does not like stress. Only the two-legged do not worry - they dance on the zebra and sing: Hop-hey-lalalei. Probably, they celebrate Agutin's birthday.


Aquarians, on the road again we will get into a traffic jam and recognize those who bought the rights. From idleness we will dance and sing - that's such a week, chauffeur. Driver, do not be bored and you shout Hurray, driver. ... Oh, the car stars have skidded again, in general, this July period will be hectic, but fun. And that is what your iron horse needs - well, she does not like routine, she needs bumps, grooves, all kinds of conversations in raised tones. And do not round your eyes if you come across dressed up and well-dressed road butterflies. The girls celebrate the birthday of Grigory Leps. Probably, they expect the singer to drive his Lexus to the side of the road and take them to distant distances (it seems that he is driving such a car now).


Pisces, slow drivers all scold, but in the depths of their souls admire the reckless drivers - injustice, however. How many times have you violated the rules since obtaining your license? Okay, don't tell me, the car stars themselves know. Better give a lift over there those serious guys in overalls - these are metallurgists, and they have a professional holiday, Metallurgist Day. The work is hard and dangerous - the work of traffic cops in comparison seems like child's play. In general, this summer period will be relatively calm. Just check the tire pressure at the beginning of the week - the iron horse complained that it was uncomfortable to ride. Or maybe it's time for the car to rest - let it go on a garage vacation, even for a day.

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